Wednesday, July 06, 2005

You have just been Punk’d!

When you first start to work, fresh out of college, everything is possible. Your passion is riding high and pure; the feeling of changing the world is stronger than ever. Ambition is pulsating through your body like a wild spring river. You volunteer for any challenge, any project and spend 18+ hours per day at the office in the belief that you will be handsomely rewarded with more money and higher corporate status.

Wake up! You have just been Punk’d! Once you realize that corporate life is more about under promising and over delivering; spending the majority of your time selling yourself and avoiding doing the real work nothing can stop you from reaching fame and fortune. Once you have learned the right business jargon, manage to avoid showing real passion and empathy at work and staying in important meetings but out of doing the work you have figured out the secrets of corporate life. The only way is up!

Lastly - being the nice, happy and friendly guy beats competence and talent anytime. If you don’t have the unique brains, cannot get away as the brilliant genius then just show up every morning with a great smile on your face, well-dressed and a compliment at hand for everyone and your future is made. Perception is everything!

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