Monday, March 27, 2006

The Last Supper

Oh my! Our latest travels have kept us from sharing our new insights in a good way. We have been so busy, or rather involved in everyday Argentinian life that we decided not to blog for a few weeks. But tonight we ran into a computer at our current hotel - Hotel Home - in Palermo Hollywood. And after a delicious late dinner we decided to share a few thoughts with our audience.

1. Taking time off is the most brilliant thing we have ever done during our 5-year (March 23) stint together.
2. Real good meat - grassfed - is underestimated: Ojo de bife, Matambrito and Chorizo.
3. You can never be up to late.
4. You can never sleep in too late.
5. A double espresso can make wonders.
6. My butt looks great in white pants.

We both hope that everyone could get the the same opportunity to take their eyes of their careers, their greedyness of getting a bigger house and their fear of not keeping up with the Jones's for a second and breath the freash air of the adventurous soul that beats within every honest human. Life in the unknown beats everything. It''s life as it should be, without safety nets, hearts opened, flesh shared, feeling the beat of your most personal dream.

1 comment:

Vicky & Alex said...

you butt always look great per... not only in white pants :)