Wednesday, July 05, 2006

"Big Fat Hairy Deal"

Religion serves as guidance for most people in the world. It's a source of stability and security in times of uncertainty and doubt. To be part of something bigger than your own personal dreams, wants and desires - what ever that might be - creates a sense of purpose. Purpose, or what some people call mission, is crucial to happiness. Once you've found your purpose in life everything becomes simple, almost effortless.

But happiness and religion are two different things. Maybe two sides of the same coin. Since I'm much more of a disciple of Russell than Jesus or Mohammed, I prefer the filosofical reasoning than the religious. That said, it's all good as long as either process brings out the best in us and lets us find why we excist.

Today, my mind opened new doors to celebral places that I've never visited. It was triggered by our daily lunch discussion but a result of being in a different place than before. It was a Heureka! moment. Things started to come together which was the whole reason for taking time off. There was clarity created from chaos, risk and intuition.

I forgot to mention that in addition to religion and filosophy you need science. Or at least some kind of reason. Doesn't have to be mathematical or logical but it needs to make sense from a thesis / antithesis kind of way. Ah, and emotions. That's what usually stires up the mix and creates chemical imbalances.

The analysis leads to comprehension via synthesis. You face the uncertainty, the unknown, the fear and then you understand and move on. What freaked you out in the past might just be your saviour.

So back to the new door; it just confirmed that the intuitive action of taking time off to earn (yeah, you really have to earn it) perspective was the right thing to do. I should have done it much earlier but now I know when to do it next time. :)

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