Monday, July 03, 2006

Close II Home

Well, for some people home is just where they were born and/or grew up. For others, home is wherever they lay their hat.

For me, it's when I find my favorite online resources: bookstore [], music store [], grocery store [] and TV-Guide []. That is, to quote one of my buddies, key technology.

They Net has become a part of my DNA. It's no longer a nice to have or a need to have. It's a essential part of life and sometimes it's life.

That makes every trip to a new country a challenge. I need to research books and music before I go to the book or music store (in places where the iTunes store is not yet).

I want to read the reviews on the evening's dinner place. I want to compare products, services and shops. I want to be informed before venturing out in the real world.

It's therefore extra sweet when I find the local iTunes, Amazon, Safeway, Travelocity and Yahoo! TV. I did today! :)

That extends the question: Can the Net make an inefficient economy efficient? An 60GB iPod cost US$870 in Buenos Aires and US$399 in San Francisco. When can we connect all comparison sites to create real global free trade?

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