Wednesday, November 17, 2004

California Living

People ask me why I live in California when there are such charming places like, Fargo in Minnesota, Boras in Sweden and Cancun, Mexico. Hmm, lemme think...!

Well - California has got three very attractive elements: Sun, Beaches and Attitude! The first two are No-Brainers while the third might need a little more explanation.

Attitude is Everything! It's what makes people connect and fall in love. It's what makes people pissed off and want to change the world. It's your inner cojones that refuses to barge for anything. It's the pure passionate rage that comes from your gut and explodes in a raised index-finger pointed in the direction of stupidity, smallmindness and lack of funkadelic vibe. That's what I'm talking about.

I didn't see any of that when in Fargo, Boras or Cancun. I just saw bald, beerbellied babies and that freaks me out. Word!

PS. Today we had 65°F (18°C) in San Francisco with sunny clear blue sky. I wore shorts and a shirt. Forgot my sunglasses. Life can really suck!

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