Monday, November 15, 2004

Home Alone II

Yes - I'm going crazy. This is the second time in just a short while where I'm home alone without the missus. The cultural consensus is that I should spend this time smoking, drinking and watching porn (the boys view) or mend, fix and paint the house (the family view).

Well - I'm sorry to disappoint you both (never been a sucker to please) but I've spend my time much more wisely doing... absolutely nothing!

I forgot how boring a bachelor's life could by, at least when home alone. The worst thing is the inner voice, the reflections that keeps going on and on. It's like being in an episode of Seinfeld's. Yada, yada, yada!

When the missus is home the inner monolog doesn't really get a chance to feast on my brain. The missus establish a good balance between my inner thoughts and her charm by initiating conversation. Mind you, I'm a Scandinavian and we need a lot of help to initiate conversation. Well, we a need a lot of help in a lot of things but that's another story.

My buddies and I can sit at the pub in total silence and just excist without any feeling of aquardness. It's almost that we try to avoid to talk just not to initiate a discomforting situation or moment. Aquard moments are a sin from where I originate. It means that you don't have anything intelligent to contribute with. One exception to this rule might be talking weather with older people. But that's about it. I mean why blow the cover, opening you mouth and make it obvious that your contribution to society is on par with a donkey.

Anyhow. My life has evolved around the most basic tasks over the past few days: eat, drink and sleep. I have occasionally watched a movie or read some news on the web. Oh yes, I was forced to do some laundry the other day. But that's about it, folks.

I've been pacing around in our pad, turning the TV on (and realizing that the shows sucks), turned it off (and realizing that it's better than nothing) and turned it on again. I cannot wait until the missus comes back, drops her things all over the place and wakes me up in the morning with hairdryers and phone calls. I cannot wait!

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