Friday, June 10, 2005

Early Retirement Is For Cowards

I just watched a "get-rich-quick" commercial on TV. A couple in their early thirties talked about how this scheme made them more free and independent. They even expressed a desire to retire early cause that's what life's about.

I really had to control myself not throwing up. Six billion people in the world with 75% living in poverty and this ass wants to kick back at an age when he can and should change the world to the better. Disgusting!

In Europe, where I'm from, few people can retire early due to the collective decision that well-being for all is more important than luxury for few. I do agree that the European system has gone too far and needs to be reinvented. But the american business model is far from perfect. As is the values that it brings. "Money for nothing and the chicks for free" as Dire Straits sings.

I realize that I never want to retire but rather be super-charged and always passionate about the ventures I'm involved in. Sitting on a beach and smoking a puro is only great when it's inbetween hard work, never when it becomes an everyday expression for too coward to care.

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