Friday, September 23, 2005

Flow-How is the New Know-How

I was watching CSI when my mind started to wander. It's the usual perspective calibration that I've develop through lots of training and daydreaming. It's a great technique to avoid focusing to hard on details and avoid loosing the big picture. It works a little bit like a camera lens with a zoom. Once you think you know the answer, change perspective.

Anywho, the word that came to my kind was flow and how much I enjoy it. It's like being in the famous zone where everything is going great. It works when cooking, working out, writing et cetera. It's the perfect state of mind and body. It's when they becomes one and everything seems dead easy. The flow gets constantly challenge by reality and challenging problems but never bulges.

The thought was born when I saw the commercial for 'The Lords of Dogtown' - a must see movie for surfers, adrenaline junkies and true Californians. The way they challenged the status quo and started to surf dried out pools during the 70's droughts is just so inventive, so inspiring, so passionate. The motions are the true incarnation of the perfect state of mind. But the mind is never static or in one place, it's in the zone where the flow is perfect.

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