Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Only By Design

It's been years since I designed websites. In the beginning of the Internet-era everyone had to do everything, especially at start-ups. So basic web design became common knowledge, at least if you worked within product development with scarce resources.

It was therefore with a great nostalgic feeling and much anticipation that I started on my latest project: creating a new website for the missus.

I started out feeling a little bit rusty but got back into the game pretty quickly. I've always enjoyed graphical design, ever since I was working for the student magazine in college. Once in a time my goal was to become a designer and I guess I achieved that goal to a certain extent. Most things that we do these days have a design compenent associated with it: packaging, cooking, communication, writing et cetera.

Well, I'm not going to convey the project yet but I've to say it's pretty cool!

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