Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Death of The Boys Weekend

To most people a 'Boys Weekend' is synonymous with a pathetic attempt to relive the bachelorhood but with handcuffs. Recognizing as well as admitting that the married life beats everything takes real cojones.

Our 'Boys Weekend' this weekend was more like a reunion / think tank. It was very satisfying to catch up with friends that know you as well as yourself and exchange progress, new ideas, challenging problems and future plans.

Our walks alongs the sandy beaches outside of Palma and the lunches in the shade of palm trees were nothing less than inspiring. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Time is the new money. If you have time you'll have perspective, insight and options.

A weekend like this sharpens, accelerates and reenergizes the mind. The wealth of knowledge that my buddies have been accummulating over the past years is impressive and having the opportunity to tap into that in real-time is fantastic.

You also learn a lot about your own progress, get reminded of why you do things and get excited about future projects. In reality it's the essence of life and business; interaction between people that outputs value.

And it helps that everyone is a true connoisseur cause when the body is well the mind will prosper. But I've to say, I'm lambed out.

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