Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Willingness to Fail to Be Free / Successful

The desire and pressure to succeed has never been higher among today's working elite. But what is success? And why do we want it so badly?

In capitalism success is measured in only one thing: who has the most moolah (money). The money is used to buy fancy cars, a big house, vacation trips to exotic places and cool clothes. It's the American Dream to put it simply. The easiest way to communicate to the adjacent community that you got cojones the size of melones and not afraid to use them. The cojones that is.

Bigger is ALWAYS better in capitalism. The person with the most stuff when he dies wins the whole freekin' game. It's that simple.

But outside of the MBA class we all get tired of measuring ourselves with anyone who comes along, to flex our financial muscles and to pound our chests all the time.

The mind suffers, the body suffers and life suffers. So enter the second face in life: money is not everything. Being No. 1 at everything starts to feel old. Ask any 80 year old.

Then there is insight. Hmm, what if I found a healthy balance between the worldy, mindful and physical aspects of life. Revelation. Life is great in an old non-braggable t-shirt.

Remember - there is only one life. There is no second chance at living it so why waste it. Be all you can be means a lot more than the medals on your collar.


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